CLEON  Version 1
Cloud-Offloaded GPS Receiver
Hardware architecture

GPS H/W architecture

  • CLEON embeds MAX2769 from MAXIM as GPS front-end
  • MAX2769 generates 2bits of I (I1, I0) at a time with speed at 16.368MHz (sampling rate: 16.368MHz)
  • The 2 bit data is parallelized by using two 8-bit serial-to-parallel IC in order to reduce the speed down to 2.046MHz (16.368MHz/8)
  • Meanwhile, reference clock from MAX2769 running at 16.368MHz is being slowered down to 2.046MHz (16.368MHz/8) by using binary counter
  • MCU reads the parallelized I1 and I0 data with DMA support (DMA trigger: 2.046MHz (16.368MHz/8))